Hong Kong at night

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Most interesting place in North America

I absolutely love the New England area because of its culture and historical sites. However, I find the West to be the most amazing region of the United States. Last summer, I traveled to Salt Lake City in Utah and I was absolutely astonished by the beauty of the state. I find this area so spectacular because I am not accustomed to seeing beautiful mountains, desert areas, and gorgeous blue lakes all within miles of each other. While in Utah, I traveled up one of the mountains to the snow-covered area of the mountain. Seeing the transition from the bottom to the top of the mountain was amazing and I loved the view from the top of the mountain. I could see mountains for miles and the sunset from the top was breath-taking. It was the type of moment that makes you praise God as you are in awe of His amazing creations! 

Monday, January 19, 2009

My name is Brittany Sawyer. For the past seven years I've been living in Hong Kong, so I pretty much consider Hong Kong to be my home. However, my family just moved back to Michigan. Now, I'm in Nebraska going to school at Concordia University. It is quite a change but I love it so far! I'm planning on being a high school teacher, primarily teaching the social sciences and theater. That's my plan right now, unless God has something else in mind. :) 

